Saturday, May 28, 2011

Rumors: iPhone 4S, ← iOS 5

hehe 670x6451 شائعات : آيفون 4 اس، iOS 5
The rumors began the task before the World Conference for developers to be held after nearly a weeks now and most of the rumors about the Conference and come in that conference. And now show some rumors about the probability of the existence of iPhone in the end it will be iPhone 4S to serve as the development as it was in the previous generation to improve it in pieces of the Interior. Ticker reason this rumor that there are many people point out that Apple is at the invitation of many journalists from around the world to attend the World Conference for developers in San Francisco, says one of those persons:

A source indicates to us that Apple's team of public relations in Britain Pallaivon your invite to many of the publications of journalists from the task to go and attend the conference in San Francisco next month. The obvious conclusion is that Apple will announce a new iPhone or a new update is possible for him. IPhone 4S is the closest that the device is updated.

Perhaps the site is honest in his summing-but personally I do not expect but in the end Apple Self remains the last word, which usually carry something hidden between the hands. There are many sites that indicate that Apple is at the invitation of many journalists from around the world is the next update of the system and not the new device.

The new system is expected that he will carry on the renewal of a comprehensive system alerts Notifications and also is expected to be added the Widgets as well and is also expected that the Apple announcement on Cloud Services that traded heavily in the communities, Almakip It is also expected that the iOS 5 will carry many of the applications associated with the services cloud .

Left little time to conference and I expect that we will hear many rumors that talk about the conference and what will happen to him, and I expect that we will get more information about the system for the next iOS.

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