Saturday, May 14, 2011

Five things Microsoft can do with Skype

Microsoft announced Tuesday that it bought Skype in a deal valued at U.S. $ 8.5 billion, making it one of the major deals that expanded the global software giant for its conclusion in its bid to restore its economic figures in the global telecommunications markets.

Microsoft Plans, from behind the deal, to expand their activities to other sectors, such as communication and entertainment via the Internet, not just the production of programs "windows" for the operation of electronic computing devices.

That one of the exciting things that he hopes users of Microsoft applications to be realized, there are five priority and importance, namely:

Integration with the gaming device "Xbox"

There are 10 million users own a "Xbox" produced by Microsoft, these devices contain video cameras, and devices "Xbox 360" contains the function the conversation, is that users were disappointed from this job that were not standard PlayStation Sony, which contains a function call for the immediate and direct, so that this kind of devices allow for the participation of players from different countries Mtaadiin.

And add this program to the Xbox can increase the sales of the device, probably compounded.

The development of Windows Phone

The application of the beginning of a phone and Windows provided by Microsoft is not that quality can not compete with the "iPhone" or Android systems.

The phone system that can compete with 7 does not apply "Facebook Time" Face Time in the iPhone, no program, "Talk" Talk of Google, as they could run the Skype application itself.

Although Microsoft confirmed that Skype will continue to work on those devices, but that the future indicates that the priority in the application of Skype phones will be on the "iPhone Windows 7."

Video conferencing and visual communication distance

In this area highlights is always the name of the company, "Cisco Systems" as a pioneer in the application of teleconferencing and video communications from a distance, is that Microsoft has made some breakthrough with the "System Link" Lync system, and add a Skype to him, it will enhance its program in the field of visual communication for after or video conferencing.

Zhoraly facebook

Facebook, the company among the companies seeking to acquire Skype in order to develop the conversation on its website.

The chief executive of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, but that social networking will be the users of Skype, owned by Microsoft.

Development Hotmail

There are still millions who use Hotmail to Microsoft, is that many no longer approve of this e-mail, and abandon it in favor of Google mail, which contains a program written and visual conversation.

Despite numerous attempts made by Microsoft for this, but they were not sufficient.

If Microsoft was able to integrate the characteristics of video for Skype in the mail Hotmail, they are certainly many people will pay to re-examine it again.

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