Sunday, May 15, 2011

Iphone 4 and the iPhone Apple store applications in the Guinness Book of Records

Released in 2011 Guinness Book of Records for the games "Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2011" has the iPhone 4 is a record number that most aircraft-selling handheld games on the first day, the sale of 1.5 million per day in the first version of the device on the market.

Apple Store applications also standard 3-digit, first as most store applications Fame, and applications where the application number Mahmli 6.5 billion since its creation, recording the second is to store the largest store download video games, and the number of games in the 37,362 stores of the game "until September 2010, the third index obtained by the store is that it contains the largest store on the day of its launch games, the number of sets 145 of 500 at the beginning of the implementation of an Apple Store.

Indices for a number of other applications in the game Apple Store first and famous Angry Bird has made ​​a record as the best selling game in the greatest number of 6.5 million copies in 67 countries, plants Thurs strategy compared to Zombies have reached a record of most strategy games sales volume of 300 000 copies in nine days, a series of Disney game Tap Tap Revenge also is a number plus a series of popular games in the store and the number of game Mahmli all copied 15 million, two games last points were a record in terms of priority, the first match is the first script Frotz game character, and the second is for the game Enigmo first puzzle based on the physics at the shop.

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