Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Greenpois0n RC6.2 comes to jailbreak iPad 2

greenpoisOn RC6.2 iPad 2 jailbreak by using GreenpoisOn RC6.2 Coming Soon

As I’m sure many people have heard, Josh (posixninja) has recently been quoted saying the iPad 2 jailbreak is coming in“weeks”, I know I have been very publicly abrasive and non-commital on giving any kind of timeframe or comment on this matter, but at the behest of Josh (in conjunction with his need for a swift kick to the ass for motivation) we’reALL going to hold him to that!!! I’m not going to get into extensive detail about this, but what I will say one of the missing puzzle pieces may have reared its head and cast a glance in our direction… take from that what you will.
NOTE:  WE will hold him to that, please do NOT badger him with “is it done yet, when will it be ready?!?!, does it wear a slipcover from an elevator sandwich?”
Chronic Dev Team announced that they will release jailbreak tool greenpoisOn RC6.2 to jailbreak iPad 2 very soon, it can be release with in seven days can’t say because they already announced about that.
iPhone Dev Team also can Released RedsnOw 0.9.rc18 to jailbreak iPad 2, as before they released unofficial RedsnOw 0.9.6rc17 which does not supports iPad 2 and it updated with Advance Command option.
Last 4-5 weeks before Geohot also challenge to jailbreak iPad 2. So here tough competion among three big hacker team iPhone Dev Team, Chronic Dev Team and Geohot let se who will jailbreak iPad 2 first.
Stay tune to us for more Details we will update you with more information and Details about ipad 2.

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