Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Xbox 360: new interface and voice control via Kinect

Microsoft has updated its Xbox 360 with a new interface inspired by Metro, the voice command via Kinect in French, but also the close integration of VOD services.Christmas with the manufacturers and publishers of video game consoles are usually the bulk of their sales. Microsoft and its Xbox 360, sales of video games reached 70% between October 1 and January 6, according to his manager Don Mattrick. In an attempt to snatch some market share to Sony and its Playstation 3, Xbox 360 is adorned with a new interface and new features.
Metro and voice command interface via Kinect
First innovation for the Xbox 360's graphical interface changes radically, to use the Metro as design of Windows Phone 7 and Windows 8. The categories Games, Videos, Music, Applications, etc.. are highlighted in a horizontal menu.Kinect, the gaming system wirelessly, while there is also a voice command function, the image of what can be done on an iPhone 4S Siri. Originally only available in English, this feature now supports French, Italian, Spanish and German. The update is automatic for all Xbox connected to the Internet. For others, the latest games will contain the files and install automatically.
Xbox 360: a real device to connect the TV
The Xbox 360 is also intended as a device to connect your TV to the Internet. The interface for the Xbox 360 now allows easier access to multimedia content, with an offer valued VOD (HBO, Netflix and YouTube including the United States), as Google can provide a TV or DSL box, for example.Microsoft has understood, it is more fun to make only through video games, and implements its strategy to anticipate the arrival of Apple and its connected TV.

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