Monday, December 5, 2011

Facebook buys the site will stop geolocation Gowalla

The founders of the service to the application of location-based Gowalla announced Monday that they would stop this service, then they will join the Facebook website, which bought the company. 
"We are delighted to announce that we will make the trip to California to join Facebook!", Said the co-founder Josh Williams, the official blog of the Texas company, the rival New York Foursquare.

The terms of the transaction, which was confirmed by Facebook, have not been specified.

"In talking with the team Gowalla, we realized that we had essentially the same goals: to build great products that affect millions of people have a big impact quickly, and create new ways for people to be connected and to know what is happening in their lives, "said a spokesman for Facebook.

"Facebook does not buy the service or technology Gowalla, but we are sure that the inspiration which led to Gowalla will speak in Facebook," he added.

Mr. Williams said the service Gowalla, launched two years ago, is arrested in late January, and that users would receive instructions to keep the data and pictures assigned to the site.

As Foursquare, Gowalla allows mobile users to know where they are. The service launched in Austin, the capital of Texas, can also add pictures and comments on where you are.

Facebook in turn launched last year its own geolocation service, "Places", which allows mobile users to report, for example in restaurants or bars.

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