Friday, December 23, 2011

Jingxing S7100: Android tablet dedicated to games

A company called Jingxing Venus has unveiled the S7100, a touch pad running Android and embedding a battery of buttons designed to orient the side of video games. If the principle is interesting, this tablet shows Chinese still some limitations that may be possible to get around, especially considering its price.
The Venus S7100 could it be the tablet that the Xperia Play is for smartphones, including Android terminal dedicated to the game? If the concept can leave dreamer, he is not certain that the Chinese firm Jingxing book shelf here really at the forefront, particularly in its OS.

Free Mobile does not get a 4G license

4G frequencies gold: a faster allocationThe outcome of this second round has been rapid, considering their importance. Unlike the first 4G licenses on the 2.6 GHz band, which ARCEP had delivered its verdict after several months, it only took a few days a week to be precise, to the Authority to assign frequencies so-called "gold "on the 800 MHz band. It must be said that time is short, the mobile network begins to saturate with the democratization of smartphones, using a large bandwidth for Internet browsing.

Sharp decline in the popularity of Apple's iPhone in Europe

After years of supremacy in the world, Apple is beginning to feel the ill effects of economic and concurrency. The facts suggest that the popularity of the firm at the apple begins to descend steeply. Although it is hard to believe, this is not a mere hypothesis. It also shows that the reports published by the firm "Kantar Wordpanel" about iPhone sales during the last quarter. The largest decline was recorded in September with 3.3 million iPhone unsold, and that, compared to the previous quarter.

Galaxy Y Duos and Pro Duos : two dual-SIM Android smartphone from Samsung

Samsung ended the year with the unveiling of the Galaxy Y and Galaxy Duos , two Android devices each can accommodate two SIM cards, a relatively rare opportunity today in the market for smartphones.
The Galaxy Y and Galaxy Duos can therefore couple two SIM cards in one smartphone to improve efficiency, but also limit the number of aircraft take-away as part of a movement, whether professional or not . Overall, the two forms of terminal repeat units of the Galaxy and offer

iPad: Sketch the application now available

Skitch, this photo editing software acquired by Evernote last August, is now available for iPad Touch Pad, wishing well the first version compatible with IOS.
A version for iPhone is also expected to emerge soon. The version of Skitch for Android is itself available since August and a huge success in the light of three million downloads from since.

Match iTunes: Apple communicates

Opening iTunes Match abroad had not until now been an official communication from Apple is now done through a document from the support site , which specifies the 17 countries where the service is available (including France, Canada, Mexico, Britain and Australia).

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Motorola patent litigation against Microsoft, mobile phone manufacturers against patent infringing

Microsoft feiert vor Gericht einen kleinen Erfolg gegen Motorola. Der Handy-Hersteller verstieß gegen ein Patent der Redmonder.
In the technology sector, it is customary to tug against each other for patent infringement in court. This time, Microsoft celebrates a point against Motorola success, while the mobile phone manufacturers but was acquitted of six other points.
Not only Apple and Samsung arguing in court, Microsoft is also in dispute with Motorola. The U.S. trade commission ITC considers it proven that Motorola infringes a patent by Microsoft. This is number 6,370,566 and deals with a technique to schedule meetings via smartphones. More specifically, according to Microsoft, the Calendar app. From this it would be possible by using contacts to arrange meetings and times. In a comprehensive document describing Microsoft, Motorola exactly why I just violate this patent.