Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"IPhone", the keyword high-tech's most wanted on Yahoo!

Like every year, search engines are taking stock of the terms that were most typed by users. In 2011, according to the classification established by the Yahoo! search in French, iPhone was the keyword on which it was made the more research in the field of high-tech. Then comes another Apple product, the iPad. BlackBerry climbed into third position and TomTom hunting this past year on the podium. Nokia still remains, despite a decline in market share in telephony. The supplier comes to the fifth place of the keywords most used technology.

iOS 5: Discover the Safari Drive mode

With Drive Mode in Safari for iOS 5, you can see the main article of a web page in a purified form that recalls the application iBooks.
The presentation of most websites is so rich, and these ads are so interesting that articles are sometimes lost in the shuffle. Safari Drive Mode to display the main article in a purified form. If the text is divided into several HTML pages, they arise as a result of each other.
Visit a site like Mediapart. Touch Player, which appears at the top right of the address bar to go to the simplified display. A button on the top left of the first page can increase or decrease font size.

Google Maps 6.0 enters buildings

The new Android version of the mapping software now displays the inner planes of certain buildings such as airports and department stores. Only the United States and Japan for now.So far Google Maps for Android stopped at the door of the buildings. This is not the case with version 6.0 of the mapping service (available for Android 2.2 and above). The mobile application, available from Tuesday, November 29, 2011, shows the inner planes of certain buildings.The function does for the moment that localized sites in the United States and Japan, but it is accessible to all users. Google has formed partnerships with major retailers such as Macy's, Home Depot and Ikea, plans to offer some shopping centers. More than fifty airports and department stores have been mapped. A list is available online.

Warning radars: the tactics of the police is not clear

The new legislation on the radar warning raises many questions. What to expect during a traffic stop? 01net. attempts to provide some answers.Since November 28, the radar warning became tools for the conduct that should be excluded from their vocabulary the word "radar". Consequently, users are forced to update their equipment so as not to drive illegally. Recall that the penalty is very heavy, a fine of 1500 euros and a withdrawal of 6 points of the permit. But it is feared that if we use a device that is outdated? What can turn to a traffic stop? We took advantage of the presence of the Force and National Police Motorcycle Show in an attempt some answers.The malaise in the police

Microsoft Security Essentials: A new version for

The publisher updates its virus free. It has launched a campaign to test a limited number of users.
By the end of the year, Microsoft will offer an update of its free antivirus. Since yesterday, some of its users can test the next version of Security Essentials. The editor had invited to register for this phase of beta testing a week ago.
Those who wish can download Security Essentials 4.0.1111.0 on Microsoft Connect site (subject to an account). Two editions are available for platforms AMD and Intel. Note that those who had the French version of the software must be uninstalled to run the beta, available in English.

Eleven criteria for choosing the right TV


If the price and design are the main criteria for buying a TV, other factors come into play to make sure you make the right choice.
In most cases, buyers are moving naturally to TVs from 32 to 40 inch, top, usage patterns and installation drawings inherited from the CRT. If it was good to stay away from the TV dad today, the quality of flat panel displays, their sharpness, their ability to control and resolution of HD channels used to think big and push the limits of trouble-free size. Even with 2.50 m of decline. Then dare the 46 or 50 inches, you will not regret it. Especially since most models are also on their thinness, their ability to dress hanging wall and lacquered or metallized to seduce and be integrated in all styles of interior.

Internet without Borders complaint against Facebook

An association appealed to the CNIL. Internet Without Borders accuses Facebook of violating French law on data protection, including facial recognition on the billions of personal photos on servers in the Web 2.0 site.Certainly, Europe is not a haven for Facebook. After an investigation by the Irish data protection, and the remonstrances of Viviane Reding, who wants to change the European directives on the same personal information, the social network with 800 million members faces a complaint from a French association.Internet Sans Frontières has indeed enter the CNIL (National Commission for Informatics and Freedoms), accusing the company of Mark Zuckerberg to "wear many attacks on the protection of personal data in violation of the law 78-17 of 6 January 1978, known as Data Protection. " Several points are accused of the social network.

Life and Earth A sudden stress the human brain is in survival mode

Acute stress, such as seeing a violent film, changes the way our brains operate researchers report. Stress is known to sharpen our senses, creating an awake frightened, strengthen the memory of our past experiences of stress and impede our ability to deliberate.

Experiments in animals have also revealed the sequence of biochemical responses triggered by acute stress. This process is relatively slow and can not be followed by conventional neuroimaging techniques used to study this type of situation in humans. Erno (Full name: Raketentechnik ERNO GmbH) Hermans and his colleagues have now investigated how the human brain reacts to an acute stress on time scales (Time is a concept developed to represent the change in the world: the universe is never fixed, the component parts move, transform and evolve to ...) shorter. They conducted an experiment where volunteers watched clips from films to be very violent or violence-free. They studied the activity of their brain imaging technique called fMRI-BOLD and also collected some of their saliva to be assayed substances related to stress.

A wireless connection as fast as fiber optics

While the optical fiber is still being deployed in France, Japanese researchers at the University of Osaka and manufacturer of electronic components Rohm managed to create a chip that can transfer data (in the information technology (IT), data is a basic description, often coded, for one thing, a business transaction, event, etc..) wireless speeds comparable ... to those obtained by the fiber (a fiber is a basic training, plant or animal, filamentous appearance, is generally in the form of beams.) optics (optics is the branch of physics that deals with light and relations with the vision.).

Robocast: Operations brain surgery safer

Researchers German, Italian, Israeli and British benefiting from EU funds have made a breakthrough in (Matter is the substance that makes up any body having a tangible reality. The three most common states are solid, liquid, gaseous state. ... She is) neurosurgical robot. The project (a project - in a professional context - a temporary adventure company in order to create a unique product or service:) Robocast has developed a new type of robot that has two major advantages for surgeons: 13 degrees (types) of freedom, against the four that were mastered by human hands during a minimally invasive surgery, and the "force feedback", ie the physical signals allowing the surgeon to assess and collect tissue the intensity of the pressure (The pressure is the force exerted on a given surface.) applied during the operation. This robot has performed endoscopic neurosurgery accurate models. Once ready for operations on humans, it could alleviate the suffering of millions of Europeans with tumors or disorders such as epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and Tourette's.

Spotify adds functionality by opening up to external applications

NEW YORK - The Swedish site online music Spotify announced Wednesday the opening of its platform to application developers, with initial support from partners such as Rolling Stone, which add extra features to its service.
"Today Spotify is a music platform," said its managing director and co-founder Daniel Ek at a presentation in New York.
"Developers can create stunning reactive applications" designed for the platform Spotify, said Ek, by demonstrating a number of services that go beyond the simple functionality of the first legal service for listening to music on demand.

Tablet: Lenovo diversifies its offer public

No revolution for Lenovo, which renews its range of soft touch pads with two public terminals 7 and 10 inches, S2007 and S2010-called.
Lenovo has some company in its S2005 smartphone soon surrounded by two big sisters touch, namely S2007 and S2010 shelves.
These terminals should make their debut in China (at last count, a matter of days for the S2005) before export to other horizons, under the aegis of the IdeaPad line, generally synonymous with reliability, at least in our region.

Google Maps interfere in public buildings.

Google Maps, the famous online mapping service Google will densify its database, making its entry inside public buildings. For his first attempt, Google has chosen to use this new information in the Maps application of its Android OS. On the official blog of the company, explained that "detailed plans of the floors appear automatically when you zoom in on a building with the interior mapping."

If it is legitimate to ask questions about the accuracy of GPS, it is also explained that the plan of one floor will be updated almost simultaneously to be ups and downs of the user.

Apple dream to ban Galaxy Tab 10.1N yet changed

Apple wants to ban the Galaxy Tab 10.1N] Apple did it again and this time attacking the Galaxy Tab 10.1N changed the Galaxy Tab 10.1 incriminated for plagiarism. The brand wants to prohibit the sale on German soil and Europe.

Shop and offersTotal €
No price found, while PortableGear reference prices on hundreds of shops (online).
November 30, 2011 -Act
Apple, engaged in a litigious world campaign against its rival Samsung, had persuaded a German court that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 was too much like the iPad 2. Therefore the device was banned from sale in Germany. The European industry could continue to provide German consumers.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti 448 hearts: in time for Christmas?

This year, we propose an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti. You will say so far nothing new, since the card is already on sale for several months! Well, the subtlety is to be sought in the words “Special Edition”. The new GeForce GTX 560 Ti limited quantity fits into effect between the traditional Ti GeForce GTX 560 and GeForce GTX 570.

Microsoft Preparing Microsoft Office suite for iPad

Microsoft is actively working on the development of an iPad version of the main applications of the Office suite, according to The Daily. It would be accompanied by a new version of Office for Mac OS X Lion, and could emerge in 2012.
Microsoft Office 2008 Mac logo Clubic Mikeklo
According to The Daily, Microsoft would have the project in 2012 to distribute a version of the iPad Office suite through the App Store. The site believes that the editor of Windows would consider pricing similar to that used by Apple for its desktop applications dedicated to the iPad (Pages, Numbers or Keynote), with a price that was around 10 dollars a software.

Laptops prices will change in the first quarter of 2012

Got some news that major companies such as Acer, Asus, Toshiba may cut prices of its organs of Ultrabook in the first quarter of 2012. It is expected that these companies reduced their prices between 5% and 10%, which will lower price of 1000 $ and this, according to sources What was Intel’s dream all the time, where it is expected that the price of the device Ultrabook size 13 “to 700 $.

Spotify launches apps platform

MUSIC - To provide a more social experience. Unfortunately, still no Web client for ...
Spotify wants to continue his conquest of digital music. Wednesday, the Swedish company in New York announced the launch of a platform-house apps. Now, partners can offer the modules directly integrated into the Spotify client, such as album reviews, tops lists, concert tickets or song lyrics.
Initially, 16 apps are launched, accessible via a new section in the menu on the left (which will be available in the coming days via an update). Among the initial partners: Rolling Stone, Pitchfork and the Guardian. The SDK is open to everyone but the apps must be approved by Spotify, said its CEO, Daniel Ek.

The iPhone and Apple monopolize the classification of Bing and Yahoo searches in 2011

Microsoft and Yahoo have successively published their respective rankings Searches for 2011. They reflect the concerns of millions of Internet users in France and worldwide, and allow themselves to summarize the highlights of the year.
Bing Logo
Yahoo! Purple Logo
For Microsoft, which yesterday released the ranking of research on Bing worldwide, the year was mixed with music and celebrities on the one hand, crisis and human tragedy on the other. If the Redmond company does not publish overall, that of France and those from Yahoo categories confirm these trends, although the research is different.

Renault Scenic: Collection 2012!

Next spring, the Scénic will celebrate its third anniversary. Three years already? It was high time, therefore, to sacrifice to the traditional mid-career reviews ..."More better". The new Scénic is certainly "more better" than the Scénic it replaces. No, do not look in Robert. This barbarism has reason to ruffle the hair. However we must understand. The dose of novelty of the "new Scénic" is undeniable, as his superiority. The problem is that the Scénic "before" was already an improvement over its predecessor. Which was better than that which had preceded that ... Oh! This means if the new words fail us to avoid the clichés and platitudes.

Apple Confirm Iphone 5 and Ipad 3

Apple And through a mistake appeared on the updated IoS Beta 5.1  confirm the arrival of the Iphone 5 and ipad 3 Update is now available to developers during the past few days and enables developers.
Is that mean Iphone 5 is soon to be launched? or it was just a mistake??

Facebook is under surveillance for 20 years in the U.S.

Facebook is under fire from the FTC for 20 years. The U.S. agency specializing in consumer law, signed an amicable agreement with the social network to ensure that the confidentiality of personal data is respected. The site will submit to independent audits every two years and commit to collect the explicit consent of the members at each significant change settings.
Facebook falls into line. Social Network got the green light from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an American agency that specializes in consumer law, to implement a package of measures to avoid gaps in privacy of personal data. Facebook will comply with such regular audits and independent for a period of 20 years.

6 billion mobile lines for 7 billion people

According to ABI Research, there would be 6 billion subscribers to mobile phones on the planet with 7 billion people.

With 6 billion mobile lines at the end of 2011, there will be nearly as mobile as people on the planet, or 0.85 per line. Obviously, it is only an average, since the lines are not shared equitably around the world.

According to ABI Research, with 3 billion rows, the Asia Pacific region is one that has the most mobile. A figure almost without surprise with regard to the spectacular development of countries such as South Korea or China, which has also just over 1.36 billion people. This area has seen subscriptions to mobile lines exploded in the last two years.

Spy software installed on millions of U.S. phones

A developer specializing in Android, the Google operating system for mobile phones, revealed the existence of a program installed by American service providers for millions of phones, which records a wealth of information on the activity users and forwards them to the provider.
CarrierIQ, published by the company of the same name, recorded a very large amount of information, ranging from keystroke messages sent, through research conducted via the Internet browser. According CarrierIQ, this software is deployed on more than 140 million handsets, Android phones such as BlackBerry or Nokia phones. The software is presented as a tool that allows operators to compile statistics on the use of telephones, a priori it is not used by European operators.Click here!

Office, soon iPad?

Office Suite Microsoft may soon be entitled to its variation for the Apple tablet.Microsoft can not pass up a market share on the shelves. Thus we learn that the publisher is working on a version of its mobile office suite tailored to the IOS system tells the newspaper, The Daily. For now, Office is for Windows Phone but the domination of the iPad on the market of digital slate could undermine this exclusivity.

For now, office applications the most popular are those of users of iWork, developed by Apple. Software Pages, Numbers and Keynote, respectively equivalents of Word, Excel and Powerpoint, were quickly worn on different devices of the brand and are offered at an attractive price of 10 euros application. Microsoft should put its products at the same price to be as competitive.

Servers: IBM and HP share first place

Gartner figures have fallen: IBM took over first place in the server market ... in value. But HP keeps the leading position in volume.Gartner stock of the server market in the third quarter of 2011 is clear: with an increase of its turnover by 3.5% to 3.84 billion, IBM finds value in the first place. But Big Blue is still far behind in volume, which maintains headquarters HP.
IBM's balance sheet benefits from the good performance of its servers Power Systems and System X (x86) details.

RIM wants to expand its services to secure iPhone

Service to secure iPhone devices AndroidLancement in March, price not révéléAiderait RIM to keep its core clientèleprofessionnelle-analysts
Research in Motion has announced a new service that allows companies to integrate mobile devices for their employees - including those running Apple or Android - their secure networks.By offering the first of its network security services independently of its own aircraft - including the market share continues to decrease in favor of the iPhone and devices using the Android Operating System with Google - RIM hopes to reposition the leader in managing the security of communication networks of businesses and generate new revenue.

Galaxy Tab: Australians will finally be entitled to the tablet for the holidays

On appeal, the Australian court has once again changed its mind and allows the marketing of the tablet Galaxy Tab by Samsung Australia. A losing battle for Apple, but the war is not over ...

The serial novel which portrays judicial Apple and Samsung in Australia is experiencing a new turn: on appeal, the court overturned the ausjourd'hui referred prohibiting the marketing of the tablet Galaxy Tab on the island.

The judge of the Federal Court in Sydney has lifted the ban on marketing for Samsung crippled October 13, due to patent infringement Apple. From this Dec. 2, the tablet may return on the shelves in time for the holidays.

Plan 2012-2020 Digital France: between self-satisfaction and lack of budget

Strategy - The Minister in charge of the Digital Economy has presented the results of the first component of the Plan France Numérique and announced the axes for the next eight years. Without funding ...
Present at the Assembly of the Digital taking place today, Eric Besson, Minister in charge of the Digital Economy has outlined the second part of his famous Plan France Numérique for the years 2012 to 2020.
But before that, the minister has sought to take stock "very positive" the first phase launched in 2012. 700 000 net jobs have been created since 2000, and 95% of proposals are completed or in process of being. We will first examine the rather vague notion of "about to be."

Now being monitored, Facebook has acknowledged his deceptions

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the social networking site misled users regarding confidentiality to "numerous occasions". As a result, Facebook will be placed under surveillance for 20 years.
Facebook has agreed to consider the charges of the Federal Trade Commission, which estimates that social network users misled "on numerous occasions," said one side than the private information of their users were protected, while another, the network has shared several times, as stated by the FTC. The American institution noted that in a "number of situations," Facebook had done for the protection of user privacy, promises that "she had not taken," the FTC said in its statement.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The warning radar changes its name but ultimately no function

Since yesterday, warning radars have become outlaws have been replaced by "assistants to help conduct". A new device whose purpose is always the reporting of radars.Exit alarms radar, here are the assistants of driving assistance. Since the IRB's decision to ban the reporting of speed cameras, alarms manufacturers were asked to adapt. However, thanks to a popular mobilization, they could save themselves by getting permission to market wizards driving aids that indicate radar ... more explicitly. But ultimately, these new devices marketed for a few days doing the same job, with a little more hypocritical than before.

New case of spontaneous combustion iPhone

An iPhone on a plane was in flames linking Lismore to Sydney on November 25. The smartphone, which was probably "overheated" during the flight, began to clear smoke described as "dense" by the airline Regional Express in a statement, when the owner receives it at the landing.

Worried, the crew rushed to trigger the emergency procedures in case of fire. A small explosion broke the shell of the phone, but no passengers were injured.

The incident was reported to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). The purpose was also retained for further consideration.

RIM Launches BlackBerry Mobile Fusion: managing corporate iOS and Android

Research In Motion unveiled a new tool for companies to connect different types of smartphones Blackberry server.

RIM wants to capitalize on the success of existing smartphones and on the capacity of its BlackBerry Enterprise Server to provide a universal solution for managing a fleet of smartphones. If the BlackBerry has made himself a place in companies precisely because they remain under the control of an internal server from which it is possible to configure several types of permissions and manage access to applications installed .

Facebook floated in the spring of 2012?

The Wall Street Journal, Facebook would consider an IPO in the spring of 2012. The goal is to raise $ 10 billion, valuing the social networking site at $ 100 billion.Difficult in times of crisis to know when to go public. Facebook is apparently still an inclination to want to go that route. The Wall Street Journal, the social networking site solicited several opinions about a possible IPO. The response of experts would be between April and June 2012. Mark Zuckerberg's company could raise nearly $ 10 billion and thus be valued at 100 billion. Facebook and its 800 million subscribers could then reach sites like Linkedin or Groupon which were introduced this year. They have seen their stock prices decline with the crisis and investor concerns.

égroupage ADSL wholesale rates should decline

At the initiative of ARCEP, the decline in unbundling tariffs set for 1 January 2012 should benefit as alternative operators Free and SFR. It's a financial loss to France Telecom - Orange.
ARCEP consider a drop of about 10% flat rate (9 euros) which carry the alternative operators for each opening of fully unbundled lines.
According to La Tribune, it would apply from 1 January.
But at about 50 cents off for each of the 8.3 million lines in question is a shortfall estimated at 50 million euros for France Telecom - Orange.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Fnac launched the reading lamp by Kobo Fnac to compete with the Amazon Kindle.

Fnac today launched its electronic reading light, the Kobo by FNAC. The distribution will be made ​​within 81 Fnac stores in France and on the website of the brand.

This e-book reader brings many innovations from the Fnac Reader, the old reading lamp from the brand that has not been very successful. Fnac has decided to rely on the Canadian manufacturer Kobo (5 million ebooks sold worldwide), which is one of the biggest competitors of Amazon and its Kindle, which is a real commercial success.

Kobo, has just been bought by the Japanese Rakuten, the owner of PriceMinister. The offer by Kobo Fnac, landed, strong library of nearly 2.5 million e-books, newspapers and magazines pay, and a million of free content. All available on PC, Mac, iOS, Android and BlackBerry.

Contact lenses to see how Terminator

We had already built a contact lens can act as display screen, but this is the first time a prototype powered by radio waves actually worked on the cornea of ​​a rabbit. This display is currently low ... a pixel.
Will we see a day of real-time information displayed in our field of vision to the way the T-800 Terminator? Most likely if we believe a recent publication of an article showing the latest progress made by researchers around Babak Parviz, who had already begun to build a contact lens for virtual environments in 2008.
At the time, the device could not work done on the cornea of ​​rabbits that had served as a test because no source of energy not supplied. It was, in fact, to study their tolerance to contact lens polyethylene terephthalate (PET plastic bottles) on which an electric circuit, with several LED display was mounted
Today, researchers have succeeded, as they were planning to develop a contact lens similar but powered by radio waves picked up by a satellite circling the lens on its edges.
The vision of the T-800 Terminator in the movie Terminator 2: Judgement Day. © zirizibizi-YouTube
There is currently only one pixel consists of a blue LED combined with Fresnel microlenses. Indeed, without these devices, the focal length of the eye being what it is, a display made up of pixels would be perceived as mere blur by the wearer of the lens.
GPS or glucose on the screen of the contact lens
If tests with rabbits were again positive, the plastic of the contact lens does not allow the eye to breathe, which is necessary to prevent damage to the cornea in the long run. It also remains to build a screen with a large number of pixels and to test in humans.
By the time Honda presents the latest progress of IBM and its chip Asimo synaptic, one wonders if the world of Terminator technology is not at hand. What is certain is that these lenses could have many applications, not just military.
In addition to project directly the path to a pedestrian in a lost city, they could directly prevent a patient from an anomaly in the composition of his blood or malfunction of an organ from biosensors embedded in his body .

The reader by Kobo Fnac is available!

The Reader by Kobo Fnac is available from Monday. A one month holiday season, Fnac intends strike a blow on the electronic book market.

The new model of reading light Fnac is available on Monday 28 November. The Kobo by Fnac, designed with input from Canadian manufacturer Kobo, however, will cost 129.90 euros or 30 euros more than the Amazon Kindle, ebook reader reference on the market. However members at Fnac, receive 30 euro discount (in vouchers), which put the two rival reading lights at the same rate.
This new drive offers technical features as: a 6-inch screen anti-glare, a range of 30 days, micro-USB port and Micro SD card slot. The reader will be available in four colors: black, silver, blue, lilac.

The drive weighs 185g and uses ink technology to an ELECTRONICS - contrast levels. 200 000 French titles are available in epub now (thanks to Wi-Fi). Kobo would sell "five million map lights in over 100 countries." While Fnac sells about 50 million pounds per year.

The combination of the two manufacturers could make this product the leader in digital book in South America or Europe.

iPhone 5, the delivery of 4-inch screens have already begun

While for months, we tend from all sides that the iPhone 5, due on next June, will have a large touch screen 4-inch mark, finally breaking with the traditional 3.5-inch screen found on all generations of iPhone until the iPhone 4S, now that things are finally starting to take shape.

We learn, indeed, this week after the site Macotakara, its production was entrusted to the manufacturers Sony and Hitachi and its delivery has, moreover, already started. A choice of intermediate size that marks a good compromise between the large touch screen of 4.3 and 4.5 inches, which certainly provide a unique reading comfort but affects the handling of the apparatus and some of the traditional screen 3.5 now become small to deal with what the competition currently offers Android.

Note that Sony, Hitachi and Toshiba have recently signed a partnership whose purpose is to work in synergy in order to become the leading provider of screen in the world. This should allow Apple to break away once and for all Samsung remains to this day, its largest trading partner but also his greatest rival.

Toyota GT Coupe 86 finally revealed

The series "Toyota FT-86 concept" holds us in suspense for two years. At the 2011 Tokyo Motor Show, the production model finally revealed its attractive features and its final surname: GT 86.Tokyo 2009, Toyota introduced a concept called small coupe FT-86. Those who have never recovered from the death of the Celica or Supra regained hope. Because since 2006, the Japanese giant did not count any sport model in its European range, with the exception of confidential Yaris TS. An absence that was surprising how the largest manufacturer in the world could he be out of a market segment as iconic?
Upon his appointment in 2009, Akio Toyoda, the new boss of the Japanese giant, decided to change gear. The first speech of this race car driver said they will reintroduce the "driving pleasure" in the values ​​of the brand. The GT 86 is the first concrete result of this orientation. Designed with Subaru, this little coupe draws propulsion in the heritage of Toyota and is remembered fondly the little coupe AE86 Levin for 80 years, known for his lively rear.Toyota GT 86 (Tokyo 2011)Image © Toyota
Aesthetically, the GT 86 has very little to do with the concept of 2009. Fortunately, it remains true to its architecture. It is still a compact coupe (4.24 m) and particularly picked up (1.29 m high). Yet it has four seats with its wheelbase of 2.57 m.
The first pictures of the interior have nothing to generate enthusiasm. Certainly, the Japanese designers have all the trouble to innovate in this area. The atmosphere is certainly athletic, but the instrument panel, headed by aerators rather coarse, not shown, nor originality, nor elegance.
As announced at the presentation of the concept, the engine is a Subaru boxer home, features a direct injection system and indirect Toyota D-4S similar to the V10 Lexus LFA. It uses indirect injection at low speed to generate a turbulence effect in the cylinders to improve combustion. This 4-cylinder "square" of 1998 cm3 using the same stroke and same bore: 86 mm. It should also find this value in the origin of the name "GT 86".Toyota GT 86 (Tokyo 2011)Image © Toyota
With its high compression ratio (12.5: 1) that block air takes a typically Japanese philosophy: it will take the whip to get the best. The maximum torque of 205 Nm is indeed obtained 6600 rev / min and the maximum power of 200 hp attained only at 7000 rev / min.
This radical approach is reflected in the definition of transmission and suspension. The GT 86 is available with a six-speed manual or automatic automatically associated with a limited slip differential. The suspension adopt a scheme McPherson front double wishbone and rear. Finally, the weight distribution of 53/47 coupled with an exceptionally low center of gravity should clearly favor a balanced handling.
In the end, sporty drivers can not but welcome feature of this new coupe. Good news never comes alone, the GT 86 will soon arrive in Europe: its commercialization is planned for next summer.

Siblings Kindle, Amazon's pride

Without giving figures, Amazon says Kindle sales were well above those achieved in 2010. 
As is the tradition across the Atlantic, the Black Friday, Friday after Thanksgiving, is the day for bargains, and Americans are not wrong. Amazon announced that it was Black Friday "the best of all time." Kinlde sales were four times higher than those achieved in 2010.

Kindle the Fire - not available in France - the distributor output to less than 200 euros to counter the iPad 2 Apple would receive a warm welcome. Again, the firm does not disclose figures, but simply to restore the position of the Fire in the top of sales: the tablet is at the top since its launch nearly two months ago.

Arriving there is little in the French market with a Kindle (4) adapted and posted to 99 euros, although Amazon has itself in the market with this affordable model hexagonal connected to a well-stocked Kindle Store (1 million of securities 45 000 in French).

In front, the competition is organized. Sony revises its prices down, Fnac advance its new reading light Kobo (already available), when Virgin launches Cybook Odyssey in partnership with the French Bookeen. The market takes shape, slowly but surely.

Free Mobile sub-auction rates continue

To what extent does Free cut prices in the mobile market? Some analysts go to great lengths in their assessments while many questions remain.The British news agency interviewed nine analysts to raise their assessment and determine a range of prices first mobile marketing offers that are shaking the French landscape of telecommunications.
"Consensus" found: prices ranged from 10 to 27 euros per month.
These analysts believe that Free Mobile would be able to offer an average of the words "40% cheaper than the most aggressive proposals of its major competitors."
Reuters evoking even a potential offer to 5.90 euros per month for two hours to call ... What disrupt competitors.
For his part, Les Echos favors the track at 10 euros, while The Tribune keeps assume a commercial assault at 15 euros.
There is still much uncertainty with Free Mobile. Would that the start date ... It evokes more and more start before Christmas. But the Iliad is very discreet about this great first.
Xavier Niel evoking just "a clear price, easy to remember," while maintaining its commitment to "split the bill by two."
Recently, Le Figaro reported on the arrangements put in place. Xavier Niel had assured from obtaining the fourth degree in December 2009: it will be a true "industrial project".
On the front of network coverage, Free Mobile fulfill or exceed the conditions set by ARCEP for his start early next year (27% of the population).
Knowing that a 3G roaming agreement between Orange and Free Mobile was signed as a supplement.
Iliad and the group has planned a telecom network equipment enabling it to switch to 4G easier.
Free Mobile would have a number "one thousand employees, including 800 dedicated technical support." Sales teams are "in the starting blocks."
While the physical network of shops Free is expanding a bit (three by the end of the year: Rouen, Troyes, Angers).
Expected ten additional relays in 2012.
On the front of the range of mobile products and services, it is questionable how Free Mobile will integrate Skype into its formulas, how FemtoCell ("3G amplifier at home") will be included with the Free Freebox Revolution and how, which is the origin of the triple play, in negotiating the turn of the quadruple play ("Internet - TV - telephone - mobile").